OMMA Healthcare President and CEO,  Lynn Brown addresses the critical components involved in building a global healthcare infrastructure with the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.

OMMA President and CEO, Lynn Brown, was the featured speaker at the Denver chapter meeting of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE).  Her talk was on Building Global Healthcare Infrastructure; Issues and Opportunities."  First, she focused on the importance of the basic infrastructure in the country, including such areas as the availability of consistent utilities, suitable roadways and transportation, and related areas.  Next she addressed the foundation of a healthcare infrastructure such as the availability of trained personnel, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and service, and most critical, the availability of financing to support the system. Lastly, her presentation centered on the final stage of a more advanced healthcare infrastructure, covering such areas as telemedicine, electronic medical records, and more advanced medical systems.


OMMA Healthcare President and CEO, Lynn Brown accepts the U.S. Small Business Administration Colorado Exporter of the Year Award for 2012

The Colorado Regional Office of the United States Small Business Administration recently honored OMMA Healthcare, LLC as the Colorado Small Business Exporter of the Year for 2012. The award was presented on June 1, 2012 at the Annual Small Business Forum sponsored by the Mile High Business Alliance and the U.S. Small Business Administration. OMMA CEO, Lynn G Brown accepted the award on behalf of OMMA Healthcare. The award cited OMMA's efforts in promoting healthcare development in emerging markets and economies in the international healthcare sector. Even though OMMA is not a manufacturer itself, OMMA strongly encourages the use of U.S. manufactured goods in its projects and promotes the use of U.S. services in the international sector.


OMMA Healthcare President and CEO, Lynn Brown was a keynote speaker at the Innovation Technology and Physician International Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal.

OMMA President and CEO, Lynn Brown, and Vice President for Strategic Planning & Business Development, Bill Brown, attended the Innovation Technology and Physician Entrepreneurship International Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal on April 19th and 20th. The Symposium was jointly sponsored by the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, the Luso-American Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal, and the Calouste-Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. Some of the keynote speakers included Dr. Arlen Meyers, University of Colorado and President of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, Dr. M. Pais Clemente, University of Porto, Portugal, and Dr. Vincenzo Costigiola, President of the European Medical Association. On April 19th, Mrs. Brown spoke on "Transformation in Global Healthcare: Practical Approaches to Innovation and Infrastructure," and on the 20th she spoke on "Challenges and Opportunities in Global Healthcare." The purpose of the conference was to encourage innovation and technology development as ways to help revitalize the Portuguese health care sector. The Society of Physician Entrepreneurs (SoPE) works with physicians on an international basis to help promote medical innovation and technology transfer activities.


OMMA Healthcare works with Ellumen on Air Force Medical Services Consultant Advisory and Technical Services Contract

OMMA Healthcare, LLC will commence consulting activities this month with Ellumen on a major contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Air Force. Ellumen, a leading provider of expert services and IT solutions to federal and commercial health enterprise, was awarded a contract to provide management and professional support services to the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS). This award is an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (IDIQ) Consultant Advisory and Technical Services (CATS) contract with a five-year ordering period and a total ceiling value of $958 million. OMMA was asked to participate in the Ellumen proposal to the the Air Force as a prime subcontractor, assisting Ellumen with servicing the West and Pacific designated Air Force zones, including Hawaii, Alaska, Guam and Puerto Rico.

OMMA, working with Ellumen, is part of a team of businesses aiming to help the AFMS Commodity Council improve and accelerate medical services and support across the Air Force. A wide range of management and professional support, technical expertise and engineering services will be provided to help the AFMS address and meet the medical care needs of the armed forces.


OMMA Healthcare participates in VIP Meeting and Luncheon for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki in Washington, DC

OMMA Healthcare President & CEO, Lynn Brown, attended a December 13th luncheon in Washington, DC, sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the U.S. Business Council in Iraq honoring His Excellency Nouri Al-Maliki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq. Attendees and speakers included the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, John Bryson; Deputy Secretary of State, Thomas Nides; U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey; Chamber Executive VP, David Chavren; Chamber VP, Lionel Johnson; President of the U.S. Business Council in Iraq, Hussain Qaragholi; and Iraqi Minister of Trade, Dr. Khairallah Babaker Zebari. Prime Minister Al-Maliki gave the Keynote Address focusing on the importance of strong U.S.-Iraqi relations and the future growth and development of Iraq.

Prior to the luncheon, OMMA Healthcare was one of twenty U.S. companies invited to a private briefing with Prime Minister Al-Maliki. The Prime Minister spoke about Iraq's desire to maintain strong ties with the United States and encouraged U.S. companies to work and invest in Iraq. Each U.S. company present (including such companies as Chevron, Exxon, General Electric, Raytheon, and OMMA Healthcare, among others) gave a brief presentation about its company and its activities in Iraq.

Ms. Brown noted that OMMA Healthcare has been registered in Iraq since 2009 and is the only U.S. firm in the healthcare sector with an active presence and a fully staffed office in Baghdad. Ms. Brown concluded by expressing the deep support of the entire OMMA team in helping to develop excellent quality healthcare facilities in Iraq on turnkey basis.


Niger Delta Development Commission Authorizes OMMA Healthcare to Conduct Hospital Feasibility Study

Managing Director/CEO of the Niger Delta Development Commission, Chibuzor Ugwoha has authorized Lynn G. Brown, President and CEO of OMMA Healthcare, to commence a Market Assessment and Financial Study, including preliminary architectural design and space programming for the new Port Harcourt International Hospital.  An agreement between NDDC and OMMA was reached earlier this year, after representatives of the OMMA team met with NDDC last year in both Port Harcourt and the United States.   This Study represents Phase 1 of a comprehensive hospital project aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare in the Rivers State.

The 200 to 250 bed hospital will be designed according to U.S. standards and will provide a variety of primary, secondary, and advanced tertiary healthcare services.  Architectural services will be provided by Rees Associates, a well known and highly regarded US and international architectural firm.  It is anticipated that this project will serve as a template for additional hospital development throughout the nine-state Delta Region.  


Medtronic African Health Summit:  Challenges and Opportunities

Lynn G. Brown, President and CEO and Bill R. Brown, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategic Planning, attended a two-day conference in Minneapolis at the Medtronic Corporate Offices, where Ms. Brown participated on a panel discussion “Healthcare Infrastructure and partnerships in Africa.”   Other panel members included Dr. Lewis Roberts of the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Wale Sulaiman of the Ochsner Clinic, and Dr. Kojo Ben Taylor of Microclinics International.  The moderator for the discussion was Dr. Egbe Osifo-Dawodu, one of the founders of the Anadach Group.  Many countries in Africa lack the infrastructure, facilities, and trained personnel necessary to provide and deliver even a minimal level of health services.  However, many governments are partnering with the private sector to improve healthcare infrastructure in many African countries. The panelists discussed some of the projects with which they are working which help to demonstrate successful public-private partnerships in Africa as well as how they are addressing some of the core issues of infrastructure, accessibility, and affordability in Africa.

Medtronic also provided tours of the Medtronic “Hospital of the Future,” demonstrating some of the cutting edge technologies which Medtronic is developing.  Many thanks to Medtronic for hosting this exciting and informative conference!


OMMA Healthcare Attends “Team America” Healthcare Solutions Meeting in Washington, DC

OMMA President and CEO, Lynn G. Brown and Vice President for Strategic Planning, Dr. Bill R. Brown, attended the “Team America” meeting, held at the Medtronic Corporate offices.  This meeting, in conjunction with the Alliance for Healthcare Competitiveness, was intended to look at ways to help promote US exports of both goods and services abroad.  Participants at the meeting included a number of US companies, educational institutions, and government agencies.  Some of those attending included representatives from Oracle, Microsoft, Underwriters Laboratories, Perkins and Will Architects, Northstar Trade Finance, The US Export-Import Bank, the United States Trade and Development Agency, Johns Hopkins Medical International, George Washington International Medicine, the Joint Commission International, the US Department of Commerce, Advamed, a White House representative and the Alliance for Healthcare competitiveness, among others.

The group had productive discussions about some of the obstacles faced by US companies working abroad and how best to address them.  It was generally agreed that financing, regulatory and legal, and hesitation of small businesses to enter into the international marketplace were all obstacles.  A follow up meeting to develop a plan of action will be held in the next few months.


Georgian Healthcare 2020:  Media 2011 - The Georgian Embassy invites OMMA Healthcare to their Washington Conference on healthcare delivery.

Lynn G. Brown, President and CEO and Bill R. Brown, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategic Planning, attended a two-day  conference in Washington, DC on "Georgia Healthcare 2020:  MEDEA 2011."  This meeting held on February 1-2 was sponsored by the Embassy of Georgia to the United States and Canada, and the Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs of Georgia.  Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs, the First Lady of Georgia, served as the overall chair for this two day planning event.  Welcome addresses were given by Mrs. Roelofs, Georgia Ambassador Batu Kutelia, Minister of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs, Mr. Andrew Urushadze, and Ms. Kathleen Sebelius, the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

This conference provided one of the first key steps for Georgia to develop a comprehensive healthcare plan over the next ten years and to establish a pathway to meet the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations.  The group divided into four working groups dealing with (1) Health Care Financing, (2) Human Resource Development, (3) Service Delivery, and (4) Investing in the Georgian Health Sector.  Each group looked at constraints and gaps in that area and developed suggested strategies and recommendations for improvements and future development of the Georgian Healthcare delivery system.


OMMA Healthcare participates in the 2011 Stanford Africa Forum

OMMA President and CEO, Lynn G. Brown was invited by Stanford University Graduate School of Business to participate as a panelist in a forum discussion sponsored by industry partner Bain & Company.  It was held on Saturday January 29th in Palo Alton, California.  The theme of this year’s discussion was “Entrepreneurship and Development:  Doing Business in a Frontier Market.”  The Forum focused on the role of entrepreneurship in six key areas:  Energy, Social Enterprise, Education, Investment, Healthcare, and Mobile Technologies.  OMMA Vice President for Project Operations, Joel T. Kass, and Vice President for Strategic Planning, Dr. Bill R. Brown, also attended the conference.

The panel on "Healthcare in Africa:  Engaging the Private Sector" discussed how best to engage the private healthcare sector in developing improved healthcare access and quality over the next decade.  It has been estimated that over the next decade, $25 to $30 billion (US) in new investments will be needed in health care assets, including hospitals, clinics, and distribution warehouses, to meet the growing health care demands of Sub-Saharan Africa.   Participants on the healthcare panel included Mr. Afam Onyema, the COO of the Geanco Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to improving healthcare in Nigeria; Ms. Fola Laoye, the CEO of Hygeia Nigeria Limited, the largest HMO group in Nigeria; Mr. Peter Nyong'o, the Minister of Medical Services for Kenya; and Ms. Lynn G. Brown from OMMA Healthcare. 

Keynote speakers at the Forum were Thomas C. Barry, Chairman of Kingdom Zephyr/Zephyr Management and past President of and CEO of Rockefeller and Company; and Thomas Gibian, Chairman of ECP, whose firm has raised over $1.8 billion (US) for investment purposes in Africa.  Mr. Barry addressed investment opportunities in Africa and Mr. Gibian focused his discussion on investments funds and alternative financial models in Africa. 


OMMA Healthcare Presents at US Embassy Roundtable

The U.S. Commercial Service at the American Embassy in Baghdad invited OMMA Healthcare to participate in a “Doing Business in Iraq” breakfast roundtable on October 6, 2010.  This event was part of the historical U.S. Trade Mission to Iraq led by Under Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Francisco Sanchez, with a delegation of 14 U.S. companies. 

It was an opportunity to share OMMA’s lessons learned for doing business in Iraq with Under Secretary Sanchez and the Trade Mission delegation. OMMA Projects CEO, Mr. Steven Halawani, provided a briefing to the visiting delegation, supported by the OMMA Healthcare Iraq country Manager and local partner, Mr. Nasr Obaid.

Mr. Halawani’s primary focus was on overcoming logistical challenges in establishing a presence for OMMA in Iraq, interaction and engagement with Iraqi government officials, the technical and legal complexities in pursuit of projects, and the importance of having a reliable local partner. Another element of the panel discussion was the excessively long period of time needed in the project award process.

OMMA has been active in Iraq’s healthcare segment since 2007 and was awarded multiple large scale projects on turnkey basis in support of Iraq’s government to overhaul critically needed infrastructure services.


OMMA CEO SPEAKS AT 2010  U.S. - Africa Private Sector Health Conference:

"Integrating Business Solutions for Expanding Access"

OMMA Healthcare President, Lynn G. Brown, and Vice President of Business Development, Bill R. Brown, attended the 2010 U.S. - Africa Private Sector Health Conference in Washington, DC on October 4, 5, and 6. 

Ms. Brown participated as a speaker and   panelist on October 5 for the session "Broadening Treatment Options with Investments in World Class Facilities."  This session focused on the importance of developing high quality healthcare facilities in emerging markets as a way of helping to improve the overall health status and care within the country.  Ms. Brown's presentation focused on the development of the American International HospitalCalabar on behalf of the Government of Cross River State, Nigeria.  The planning and development of this world class facility is being led by OMMA Healthcare along with its strategic partners, Rees Associates (architects) and SYMX Healthcare (equipment planning and procurement).

This conference, sponsored by the Corporate Council on Africa, a Washington-based organization, brought together business and government leaders from the United States and several African countries.  CCA strives "to bring together potential business partners and raise Africa's investment profile in the US by developing critical contacts and business relationships and providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas."


OMMA Healthcare President Attends Chile Reconstruction Luncheon

OMMA Healthcare was one of seventeen US companies invited to a luncheon in Washington sponsored by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke. Lynn Brown, President & CEO of OMMA, attended the luncheon at the US Department of Commerce which brought together representatives from American companies and the Chilean government to help match some of Chile’s reconstruction needs with the capabilities of U.S. companies following February’s earthquake. Joining Locke at today’s luncheon was Chilean President Sebastián Piñera who shared information about that nation’s immediate needs for assistance.

“We consider Chile an important friend and trading partner, and I have every confidence that Chile will emerge even stronger and more competitive than before,” Locke said.

The 8.8-magnitude earthquake caused upwards of $30 billion in damages. The Chilean government estimates that urban planning projects and building programs related to housing reconstruction alone will exceed U.S. $3.5 billion. Chilean officials indicated they will also be seeking collaboration on reconstruction for infrastructure, schools, hospitals and clinics.

President Piñera and a delegation of senior government officials and legislators traveled to the United States hoping to encourage U.S. business interest in Chile’s reconstruction effort following the country’s worst natural disaster in 50 years.

“Not only do we have an important role to play in helping Chile recover, we have great opportunities for American businesses to put people to work,” Locke said.


OMMA Awarded Contract for Nigerian Hospital Development

On July 30, 2009, OMMA Healthcare, LLC signed a contract with the Government of the Cross River State in Nigeria for the complete planning and development of a new U.S. standard hospital to be built in Calabar, the State capitol. Lynn Brown, OMMA President & CEO, and Vice President Dr. Bill R. Brown visited Nigeria for the signing along with Stephen Lawson and Jerome Hovorka, Vice Presidents of Rees Associates. Dr. Michael Ntuk of Washington, DC is working as project liaison and facilitator for the OMMA team. The U.S. team was hosted in Calabar by the Honorable Liyel Imoke, Governor of Cross River State, Nigeria.

Governor Imoke described the selection of OMMA and REES as an important day to commence the realization of the state’s vision of providing affordable health care delivery services to its citizenry. He further explained that the state took time to identify competent partners that share its vision based on their competence and capacity.

OMMA Healthcare will provide overall project management and development services. Rees Associates will provide comprehensive architectural and engineering services as well as master site planning. Equipment planning and procurement will be handled by SYMX Corp. This team will be responsible for designing and equipping a U.S. Standard Hospital in Calabar, Nigeria. The initial design conceptualizes a 150 bed, 250,000 square foot Acute Care Hospital which will help to serve the immediate healthcare needs of the people of Nigeria, and the entire Western Africa Region, while also allowing for future growth. The facility design and operational programming will be in accordance with the standards set forth by the Joint Commission International (JCI).

"We are delighted to bring together this highly experienced team of healthcare professionals to develop a modern, state-of-the-art hospital in Calabar. This project helps to further strengthen the positive working relationship between Nigeria and the United States, while at the same time taking a major step forward in bringing high quality medical care to Nigerian families," says OMMA President & CEO, Lynn Brown

REES Vice President and Healthcare Leader Stephen Lawson, AIA, LEED AP says “ Our team is looking forward to applying our 34 years of healthcare planning to provide not only the people of Nigeria, but all of Western Africa, with a new state-of-the-art hospital that meets the Joint Commission International Standards. We are proud to be given such an important opportunity that will increase the level of healthcare delivered in the region.”


OMMA Team Attends Iraq Healthcare Roundtable

OMMA Healthcare President Lynn G. Brown and Vice President for Strategic Planning Dr. Bill R. Brown participated in the Iraq Roundtable on the Medical Sector in Iraq in Washington, DC on June 1, 2009. Sponsored jointly by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, this Roundtable brought together representatives from governmental agencies, the Chamber of Commerce, financial institutions, and private business entities. Over 40 attendees heard Dr. Terry Kline, U.S. Health Attaché to Iraq give a presentation on the Medical Sector in Iraq. This was followed by a general discussion and questions and answers regarding both the opportunities and the challenges of doing business in Iraq.


International Team Selected for Iraqi Hospital

OMMA Healthcare has been selected by the Governorate of Baghdad to develop and equip the Al Nahrein Hospital in Baghdad. OMMA is supported in this development by the excellent design team of REES Associates and Medical Equipment Solutions International. This team has been selected to transform healthcare in Iraq. This team will be strongly supported by OMMA’s Middle East division, OMMA Projects-Middle East, and the Iraqi construction firm of Qimmat Al Nidhal Construction. The Governorate of Baghdad selected the team based on initial design concepts. The Al Nahrein Hospital, previously known as the Al Rasheed Military Hospital, is planned to be a 1,000 bed acute care hospital encompassing over 1.4 million square feet located in Baghdad, Iraq.

In partnership with OMMA Healthcare, acting as the developmental entity, REES was able to plan, program, and design a highly efficient and functional U.S. standard hospital that simultaneously addresses the immediate healthcare needs of the working class people of Baghdad while allowing for future growth.

REES Vice President and Healthcare Leader Stephen Lawson, AIA, LEED AP says “ Our team is looking forward to applying our 34 years of healthcare planning to provide the people of Iraq with the first new state of the art hospital to be built in the last 25 years. We are proud to be given such an important opportunity that will increase the level of healthcare delivered in the region.”

"We are delighted to bring together this highly experienced team of healthcare professionals to develop a modern, state-of-the-art hospital for the people of Iraq. This project helps to further strengthen the positive working relationship between Iraq and the United States, while at the same time taking a major step forward in bringing high quality medical care to Iraqi families," says OMMA President Lynn Brown

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